On Wednesday I added clue A only my one coloured Follow Your Arrow shawl, and took a typically crappy photo of it to share. Again, I feel like adding the next clue has helped it come together, And then yesterday I took a knitting rest day. I've been knitting like a crazy lady, and typing a lot for work and going hard at CrossFit and my arms are starting to twinge. Yesterday I put in a ten hour day at work and by the time I was done by hands were sort of numb and curling into little fists.Luckily after I got on my bike and got the blood flowing they relaxed. So a rest day yesterday, today I shall knit moderately (and maybe do a tiny, tiny bit of spinning) and generally rest up, because, as a few people have mentioned, over the first three weeks of this knit-a-long we have not used half our yarn, so it's possible the next two weeks will be quite full on.
My adventures in knitting, spinning, dyeing, reading and living life the best way I know how.