Wednesday again! I am still picking my way through Clara Park's A Stash of One's Own. I'm glad I decided to read these one story a day. The stories are good, but there is always going to be a sameness about people thinking about stash. The basic message here is: have as much as you feel comfortable with and pass on the rest. That said, some of these stories are very touching (particularity Franklin Habit's) and they all remind me that I should do what is right for me. Because I am measuring out this book a chapter each day, I also started Neanderthal Seeks Human , the first in Penny Reid's Knitting in the City series. I read the fourth in the series at the beginning of the month, and I loved it. This book is good, but not as accomplished as the later book, which is not surprising, since this was Penny Reid's first published book. I am really enjoying it. Although it follows some typical romance tropes (falling for the boss while not realising he is ...
My adventures in knitting, spinning, dyeing, reading and living life the best way I know how.