My "weekending" post would look a lot like an Unravelled Wednesday / Yarnalong post. I read, I knitted, I drank lots of wine. It's the new normal. I mentioned on Monday that my Joji Pampa Bucket bag arrived,and it looked quite good. I didn't think it would be that useful in the current situation, since I'm (like everyone else) staying home. Well, it's been great. I can just throw everything in it and quite straight out of it. No balls rolling anywhere, no wondering where my needle case is. It turns out I move around out little house a lot - from the couch, to the balcony, to the study, the dining table, the rocking chair. I imagine as this isolation goes on, I'll start knitting in the bedroom, just for a change of scenery. Mainly the bag is so simple, perfect for purpose, and minimally elegant. I'm looking forward to Joji's next update (whenever that may be). I'd love one of these sock bags in pink.
My adventures in knitting, spinning, dyeing, reading and living life the best way I know how.