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Showing posts from July, 2024

Linky Wednesday - it got long. I'm loving it.

A photo of this morning's sunrise. It's been unusually cold (it was 1 degree when I took this) but the colours are stunning.  Last week I announced we were in for the long haul, and this week I am both knitting and reading the same things as last week. I've made good progress on  The Weight of Ink . It's a dual timeline book, focusing on the Jewish community of Interregnum London and some 21st century scholars. It's got philosophy and feminism and a touch of romance (or love, or something). It's not a quick read, but I am loving being immersed in this world. I have started listening to a review copy of  Group Living and Other Recipes  by Lola Milholland. It's a memoir of her life, and so far it is interesting and entertaining and thoughtful. Next up is either the NetGalley review book  Becoming Marlow Fin , or the next Albert Campion mystery, depending when I finish my current read. I'm certainly not in a rush though. In knitting, the  Pressed Flowers  

Weekending - Hobart and festival of voices 2024

We had a fabulous and looong weekend in Hobart, for the Festival of Voices , a community choir  also attended in 2022  and 2017 .  Elise and Leon are founding members of a fun choir called Glee Plus.  I don't sing, myself, I just attend events, knit and enjoy the singing and music. Leon and I flew in on Thursday night, and immediately went to a brewery. Friday we spent much of the day hanging around, eating and drinking and relaxing. We had high tea at a tea shop (and purchased quite a lot of tea). I was particularly excited about this because we dropped by last time, but they couldn't seat us. This time we booked, and it was delicious. I stumbled into the Salamanca Yarn shop. I resisted the yarn, but these two packets of fibre came home with me, for a plan I'm hatching. I realised we were going to Franklin on Saturday, and that is in the Huan Valley, and I messaged Nat to see if that's near her. She said it was ten minutes up the road! So I got to spend some time with