Last week I predicted that my books and knitting will be the same this week, and they are! I'm still reading At the Feet of the Sun by Victoria Goddard . It's a very enjoyable read, but it's a book that is not in a hurry! I might even still be reading it next week. If not, I'll have to consider my ever-growing queue of NetGalley review books to see what's next. Less surprisingly we are still listening to Anathem by Neal Stephenson . This is another book that is not in a hurry, and the books Leona and I listen to together always take a long time. I'm also still knitting Weaver, B , by Kate Davies. It looks the same as last week, but that was the front and now I've nearly finished the back. Here's the back and front together, I really love this colourful knit. So, some longer projects in both reading and knitting that are very satisfying. To read my all my book reviews, and to see everything I knit, you can find me on Ravelry as...
My adventures in knitting, spinning, dyeing, reading and living life the best way I know how.