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Showing posts from March, 2025

A true fibre feast

  As I mentioned  last week we went to Fibre Feast SA. I've been to a few fibre festivals around the world, from the insanity that was Edinburg Yarn Festival  to a local festival in a scout hall.  This was somewhere in between. It was held in a fancy private school. There was a general market on the front lawn, and then an open sided gym and an inside gym full of yarn sellers. As well as some of my Victorian friends, there were lots of local sellers, and an heartening amount of yarn that was sources, spun and dyed locally. So, what's in the bag? My first purchase was very local, from the Yarn Trader yarn shop. It's   Højtid Single  from Circus Tonic Handmade. I bought it  Blanko pattern by Lone Kjeldsen , a large poncho style jumper that will be so snuggly and delicious knit in the merino, yak and silk blend. Then I found some beautiful grey yarn from Aveley FinnSheep. I'm obsessed with making an ordinary, slightly boxy grey cardigan. I did also b...

Linky Wednesday - the one between holidays

That's right, after getting back from holidays on Sunday night, we are leaving for a long weekend and running festival on Friday night. Luckily my event (a 26 km trail run) is on Saturday morning, so I will have the rest of the weekend to relax, hang out with my friends, knit and read. I had some good reading time last week and read  Matrix by Lauren Groff  (my  When am I reading?  book for time period 1200-1499) and The Fourth Consort ( a science fiction review book that I very much enjoyed) Now I'm romancing it up with Penny Reid's  Drama King   Not my favourite cover, but an enjoyable romance, with a very strong focus on consent and respect. Lovely.  Next up are two NetGalley  review books -  Blob: A Love Story by Maggie Su  which is rather overdue and  Everyone in the Group Chat Dies , which is interestingly described as a 'Laugh out loud thriller'. I've also got  The Last Kabbalist of Lisbon  by Richard Zimmler ...

A return from our tour of capital cities

 We're back and we had a wonderful trip, which I am going to try to sum up here in a quick page. On Friday night Leon, Kris, Elise and I assembled in Sydney. We set the tone for the weekend by having a lovely dinner, some drinks and laughs. On Saturday morning Leon and I went on a run along the harbour. So pretty, and the path just randomly took us into a National Park - in the middle of Sydney. Wild! In the background of this picture is the harbour and the bridge and the Opera House. On Saturday we touristed and then saw Pirates of Penzance - a sort of updated version. Odd but good. Sunday saw the girls flying home and Leon and I going to Adelaide, largely for the Adelaide Fringe. We saw lots of shows. It's weird how some years we see lots of comedy, and other years it skews a different way. This year we saw a lot of quite fringy shows - surreal and mimey and quite wonderful.  Other themes this trip included coffee - we drank quite a lot of it, and most of it was very good. ...