I really struggle to come up with interesting titles posts about socks - because lets face it - their generally pretty standard. These are Arkin by Rachael Coopey. As usual from rachael, as good design, with a bit of interest, in this case reversing cables that run assymetrically down the socks. The main points of interest: I'm loving the HiyaHiya sharps in 2mm. They make such a nice fabric, but the other day i grabbed the project off the couch while on my way out the door, scratched myself and bled all over the place. I had to cast the first one on twice, because on the 2mm needles the top edge was a bit tight. For the second I used the crotchet cast on method, and it gives quite a nice edge. This is the oldest (non laceweight) yarn in my stash. I bought it when I went to sock summit in 2009, dyed it with food colouring and then last year overdyed it. It feels good to clear out the bottom of the stash pile. So I guess I did have something to say about these!
My adventures in knitting, spinning, dyeing, reading and living life the best way I know how.