Reading has been rather good this week. I finished Orbital and gave it 5 stars for being lyrical and beautiful. Then, as predicted I started Penny Reid's Homecoming King . I'm pretty close to finishing it and it's also looking like a 5 star read. It's tropey romance, and also well written, sweet and (unlike many romance novels) full of communication, trust and consent. It's just so sweet - except the bits which are sexy, which are genuinely sexy. I'm often more of a closed door kind of reader, but, maybe because I liked the two main characters, this didn't seem intrusive. It is a bit of a Christmas novel, which is weirdly themed with my unusually Chistmassy activities this year. Next up I think I'll read Loving Day by Matt Johnson, the oldest book on my Goodreads "want to read" shelf. Still the same two knitting projects as last week but they are both ticking away nicely. I've added a stripe and a half the the Electric Village shawl...
My adventures in knitting, spinning, dyeing, reading and living life the best way I know how.