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Unravelled Wednesday - all the feels

 There are many, many, many things going on today that have nothing to do with knitting and reading, but have everything to do with the mood of today.

 1) Australia has had 5 "donut days" (no new COVID cases) in a row! This exceeded all my expectations. All of that intense lockdown seems to have worked.

2) This morning someone tried to throw themselves off the bridge outside our flat. A passing driver dragged her back, and two people restrained her until the police came.  An ambulance came and took her away. I'm so proud of the heroes who helped, and the police were so gentle, while still protecting her. I hope she gets the help she needs. 

3)  It's Wednesday here, but still Tuesday in the US. The election is happening and you'd be surprised how many people in Australia are following it closely, with a mixture of home and fear. 

4) England (and all the people I know there) are about to go into lockdown 2.0 and they don't trust their leadership and it's not nice at all.

So, a lot of feelings. Throughout I have been knitting and reading some good books.

The book focus this week was (unintentionally) Australian. I'm reading a NetGalley review copy of The Dressmaker's Secret by Rosie Ham.It's set in the 1950s and is the story of a dressmaker who comes to Melbourne from a small town after a whole lot of things happen. The only thing is, it didn't say anywhere that it was the sequel to The Dressmaker, which I have not read, or seen the movie. It's a really good read, but might have been even better with a little more background. It's very unusual for me not to read a series in order, from the beginning. Still these things sometimes happen. It's always fun to read a book set in Melbourne.

I'm listening to Scrublands by Chris Hammer. I think it was the Audible free book a couple of months ago. In a good way, it's very Jane Harper. Set in a drought stricken, dying country town near the Murray, where things are not what they seem. The narrator is great, and it's fun to keep it "local" (This is set in the Riviera, about a 9 hour drive from Melbourne, across a State border that is currently closed).

I'm knitting the final clue of Slipstravaganza, and it's a dozy. 48 rows on about 900 stitches, followed by an i-cord bind off! I'm still deciding on the colour order, and the width of my border.

This is the best photo I can get, because it's all scrunched up on the needles!

I hope everyone is keeping safe out there. Look after yourself and each other!

I'm joining in with Kat, from As Kat Knits who hosts the weekly Unravelled link up, and Ginny from Small Things, who hosts the monthly Yarnalong. Pop over to their blogs to see what they, and the rest of the link-up have been knitting and reading.  


  1. Congrats on your donut days! I sure hope our election doesn't drag out too terribly long. Tensions are high here in the states. And now I'm craving donuts! :)


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