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Linky Wednesday -the one with the Kobo Libra review

 As mentioned last week, I replaced my Kindle Oasis with a Kobo Libra. It has been a very pleasant experience. It's pretty device, the buttons work well, the stand case is fantastic. I always struggled with cases for the Oasis, this one feels nice, is light, and is perfect for reading on my side in bed. There I also a landscape setting which is really comfy to read hands free, on the couch. The Libra is colour, which is neither here nor there, but it's pretty for the book covers. And I've been reading on it for a week and it has not touched the battery life, so that's a very good thing.  

It was easy to get my NetGalley books onto it (through Overdrive), my Amazon books (through Calibre) and my first library book:

Peacekeeping by Mischa Berlinski.It was the oldest book on my GoodReads TBR and I've quite enjoyed it. It's about Haiti and politics and aid going wrong. I'm 80 percent through and things are starting to get dramatic!

Up next is Second Best by David Foenkinos the fictional story of a boy who auditioned for, but did not get, the role of Harry Potter. Then it's the next Albert Campion mystery (only three more to go!).

I'm listening to The Break by Marian Keyes a story about a 44 year old woman whose husband want to take a six month break. I read a lot of Marian Keyes when I was younger and her characters were younger and it's fun listening to this more grown-up (and still very relatable) story, with the perfect Irish narrator. It's free on Audible Plus, which is a bonus.

The knitting is ... going. I've finished the body of the dress, and am just popping in the pockets. I've decided to give it short sleeves, because I think it will be too busy (and warm) with long sleeves. Th problem is that (not surprisingly) the hem is curling like crazy. I'm going to block it, and then if it's still curling like this I'm going to rip the hem and re-do it in garter, which won't curl.

To read my all my book reviews, and to see everything I knit, you can find me on Ravelry as Sharondoubleknit and on GoodReads as Sharondblk

I'm joining in with Kat from As Kat Knits for Unravelled Wednesday and Kat from the Bookdate for It's Monday, What Are You Reading.  This week I'm also linking up with Sam from Taking on a World of Words for WWW Wednesday where we talk about what we are currently reading, what we have just finished and what we are going to read next.


  1. I enjoyed The Break. It'll be quite a long audiobook I think? I read the Kindle version but seem to remember it was really long!

  2. Anonymous31 July, 2024

    I'm still clinging to my trusty Kindle Paperwhite until it eventually gives up the ghost.

  3. I've just read Rachel's holiday by Marian Keyes and enjoyed first by her. Can't think why I've not read her work before.

  4. The Kobo sounds good. I read on the Kindle App on my phone if I read electronically. My Kindle is somewhere in the house...

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  5. The battery life on your new Libra is almost too good to be true. My kindle is so old but it takes me forever to move on to something better. The Break by Marion Keyes sounds like something I would enjoy. Thanks for the suggestion.

  6. I'm still stuck with my Kindle Fire and Kindle Paperwhite. The paperwhite serves me well in the darkness of the bedroom. Enjoy your Kobo.

  7. You’ve got some interesting reads here. I bet Peacekeeping is an emotionally tough read. Your dress is amazing!

  8. OH wow the progress on your dress is fantastic, it's looking so good and I hope that darn hem stops curling lol!


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