Midsumma Festival is allegedly 'Australia's premier LGBTQIA+ cultural festival' and this rainbow Ravelry: Weaver, B by Kate Davies Designs seems like a timely co-incidence.
It was a very fun knit - I used HalfBaked Handyed yarns - also known as Danni, who comes to my knitting group. Her yarns are always so consistent and lovely.The pattern was great. Garter stitch all the way! And the pattern was perfect - right down to the bit where Kate Davies tells you to place markers, and I couldn't work out why, so I only placed them on one side, and then removed them just before I got to the finishing, and had to spend ages counting rows instead. If I'd left the marker in, everything would have matched up with no effort at all.Even thought this is knit in pieces, Kate uses something cleverer than traditional seaming, and the method is written so cleverly, to minimise having to break the yarn, so there is no actual sewing, just a really tidy finish.
I used my left overs to throw together a pair of matching socks, and I love how they look. Both the jumper and the socks fit well and are really soft and very comfortable.
So that's all quite happy making.
Peak matchy matchy! Love these Sharon