Last time I found out someone I have a work relationship with was having a baby, it was very close to her due date, and I had to get my skates on to get the jumper finished in time. After that I planned to knit some baby gifts for the gift box, just in case. Then last week I visited my old workplace, and one of my ex-colleagues is having a baby, due February. Right, I thought, 2 jumpers. And then my brand new workmate in my current role announced that they are expecting.I've wrapped up some yarn - three lots of LOSY, and some left over Pallete.
The other thing that is going on for me is that my knitpro needles are really annoying me. I wore out a pair of Karbonz while knitting Strathendrick, the joins aren't always smooth, I can never find a set, they loosen when I knit....I was just going to buy a set of Chiagoos, but I decided to try to be a bit minimalist about it and asked Kris if I could borrow a set to try, rather than just buying stuff because my job is unsatisfying. She has kindly lent me 4 inch tips, and 5 inch tips and a twist cable and a spin cable. So the first baby jumper is also an experiment in needles. I'll let you know how it goes.
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