I'm chugging away at
my bathmat. Having five days off work - from Friday to Wednesday - was
glorious, and I spent quite a lot of time knitting. I saw the osteo on
the Friday, and he did something to my left
arm and now it hurts even less. In fact, despite the lack of moderation
in my knitting, I'm in less pain that I have been since this whole thing
There's not that much that can be said about the bathmat,
except that twice TWICE I've turned the corner
prior to the spot where the corner is, and only noticed when I finished
it, and have had to rip out. Since the short row corners are the only
fiddly part of this project, this has been a bit annoying. Other than
that its smooth, sailing, or at least as smooth
as this gloriously textured handspun will ever be.
Less pain is fantastic news!