I've been knitting away on the body of my mother's cardigan this week. Before I started it I thought it would take for ever, but it's growing not just steadily but surprisingly fast. And it's actually really fun to knit. I took Elizabeth Zimmermann's advice and am knitting with a colour in each hand, which, after I got the hang of how to tension yarn with my right hand, seems to make everything go smoother. The pattern itself is easy to memorise and other than that it's my favourite kinds of knitting: around and around and around.
The only fly in this ointment is I haven't quite decided what I'm doing with the neck. I thought I would work it out as I slowly knit my way up there, but if I go on like this I'll have to have decided by the end of the week. I guess I'll check out what the original pattern says, but there is something about the way that pattern is written that I find entirely incomprehensible. The Elizabeth Zimmermann pattern I'm basing this on just says to keep knitting until it's long enough, and I feel like it really should be a bit lower in the front. I think she has something called a kangaroo neck, so I'm going to wrap this up and go see if that will solve this situation. Other than the looming concern about the neck this is a surprisingly fun and relaxing knit.
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