I did pull out all the beautifully spun, too short yarn and had a think about what I can do with it. These three skeins are going to be a Multnomah shawl for my grandmother, whom I am visiting in Enland in June. I think I'll knit it in block colours, rather than stripes, and enlarge the shawl significantly, so that she can wrap it around herself like an old-fashioned shawl.
And, as I mentioned last week I joined The Thylacines fibre club. While this fibre does not push my comfort envelope in terms of colour, it is a lovely blend, dyed beautifully. The beauty of it, and the joy of spinning along with Melanie, Sonia and The Thylacine herself has drawn me back to my wheel. Sitting and spinning this is pure joy. It's reminded me that there is something about spinning at the wheel, the rhythm and the concentration and feeling of it, that is similar to the feeling I get when I'm running, except running leads to nothing but sweat and spinning leads to beautiful yarn.
Beautiful spinning Sharon! I can't wait to see all of our skeins together!